B737 NG Captain
On hold

Company Info
Urumqi Air is a low-cost airline headquartered in Ürümqi, China. It operates scheduled passenger services from its main hub Ürümqi Diwopu International Airport to China, Singapore and Russia with a fleet of B737-800. The airline is one of the four founding members of the U-FLY Alliance.
Fleet Info
Boeing 737-800, Comac ARJ21, Embraer 190.
B737 Captains that have flown within the last 12 months and are currently on type.
- Total flight time of minimum 2,200 hours,
- 500 hours PIC on type (last flight in the last 12 months),
- Passport from country that has diplomatic relations with China,
- FAA license or license that can be verified by the CAAC.
If pilots come from Turkey, Russia or India and have an FAA license they will qualify here!
Salary & Benefits
3 roster options: A) 3w ON/1w OFF B) 6w ON/2w OFF C) 20 days ON/10 days OFF.
- $18,300 US per month (tax free) based on 72 hours,
- overtime of $260/hour (calculated every other month),
- residence allowance $2000 US/month,
- transportation allowance $800 US/month,
- travel allowance $700 US/month,
- safety bonus $24,000 US/year,
- loyalty bonus $5,000 US/year,
- 4 domestic tickets on network, standby tickets for spouse, children and parents with 80% discount,
- liability insurance, grounding insurance (50% paid),
- 7 days sick leave,
- training salary is 80%,
- instructor salary $1,000 US/month.
Interview Procedure
- Document check,
- ATPL test and Medical in Haikou,
- Background check,
- CAAC SIM check.
To apply email your resume with copy of license, medical and last proficiency check to: urumqi@jobs4pilots.com then our team will contact you in 48 hours to discuss.
Personne à contacter
Boudewijn van Heezik